What is the Dermatic® ?
The Dermatic® is a mesotherapy device: injection under the dermis of medicinal substances, using a very thin needle.
For this, the Dermatic® uses compressed air allowing a high injection speed as well as a very high precision for the practitioner.
Therefore, it allows to immediately relieve pain but also to treat the desired area much more quickly. The amount of active product is greatly reduced.
To find out more about the characteristics and indications of the Dermatic®, see our dedicated page.
What are the advantages of the Dermatic®?
Working with the Dermatic® offers many advantages for the professional, but also for the patient:
1. As indicated above, the Dermatic® works with compressed air for a very high injection speed, which allows a reduction of pain for the patient + high precision for the practitioner.
2. The Dermatic® is a very solid device; it is made of 100% aluminium.
3. This mesotherapy gun has optimal ergonomy and very good stability even at maximum speed: it can be used by both left and right hands.
4. The Dermatic® offers different adjustment parameters: needle depth, burst speed, quantity injected, different types of syringes (1 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml).
5. Dermatic® kits include a single-use guide, a catheter and a 12mm unstuck needle (easy to change and less cost if bent).
6. The Dermatic® can be installed very easily.
Discover our video about its installation and use.
Discover the use of the Dermatic® for hair loss treatments!
Hair loss is a normal daily phenomenon and necessary for the renewal of hair mass. However, some people may lose more for hereditary reasons, hormonal imbalance or even under stress.
This phenomenon is called alopecia. Taking certain medications or nutritional deficiencies can lead to poor oxygenation of the hair, leading to the absence of hair regrowth.
Faced with this problem, treatments can reduce or even stop hair loss. The regrowth of these is sometimes long, insufficient… At this time, hair mesotherapy, also called mesoplasty or meso-hair, can be a solution!
Indeed, mesotherapy with the Dermatic® (micro-injection), allows to inject a suitable treatment directly into the capillary dermis (amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, PRP, etc.). The skin of the skull being quite hard, the high injection speed of Dermatic® allows an almost painless treatment for the patient.
This mesoplasty technique helps to revive the atrophied vascularization of the hair follicle, while providing it with the nutrients it needs.
For more information on mesotherapy during hair loss, the number and frequency of sessions, please refer to a health professional.
Source de la vidéo : Body Health Med, Zurich
The Dermatic® is a device intended for qualified healthcare professionals. Want to know more? Contact us!